The world indeed has gotten smaller. You can go any place you desire using your mind. Learn the cultures, languages and meet people from different parts of the world by merely sitting down using a computer connected to the world wide web. Staggering discoveries of new and old things that have boggled our minds ever since. Meeting different people from the past and the present, acquiring knowledge, enjoying entertainment, all at the tip of the fingers. Man has started having different views about the history of the world, from the absurd up to the informative and legit. Man has started unraveling the truth.
Most people log on to the computer primarily to be social with people whom they know, have known and wanted to know more about.Some log on to make their work efficient and effective in making money. Some log on to play games. Some, to watch videos and hear free music, watch television reruns, movies or whatever their eyeballs desire. Some just log in just for the heck of it. And some, to learn more about this wonderful creation of man called information technology.
The industrial revolution has proven one point in man's history, it sacrificed much of the environment, for it is a precursor to this emerging kind of revolution where electronics and information technology dominates. The industrial revolution have done enough damage. It had created a society and environment leading to a current alarming situation that needs to be minimized and fixed. With information so rampant, nothing in this world is a secret anymore. From gossips to the most obscure information that had been shelved for years, assumptions and facts appearing so transparent. From conspiracy theories, historical cover ups, constructing a simple battery, powering cars with water and eliminating the power grid, the world's biggest library offers information for free. That is the power of the internet, the power of sharing and networking, the power of information technology.
The world has started to change. Most things human beings use had been innovated,and it will continue to evolve. This resulted to the kind of thinking the average homo sapien reasons out. Man, ever since has long craved to live life more easier, more effective, more efficient. Society is entering a new kind of revolution metamorphosing people into think tanks .These transformations made people,specially in oppressed countries;like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and even the Philippines; to revolt against their leaders.These people have been oppressed beyond the imagination of a freedom loving people, a natural instinct each one posess. Expect more revolts to come. People in Africa, most specially the one's who have been oppressed for so, will shift into a new kind of social order. The posibility of seeing Africa being the next world power is close at hand. Only if they get their acts together and work as one continent, ridding their country of corruption and old school type of thinking and governance. Their predecessors may have been oppressed, but not theiir children, for they had been educated, making them view life at a different perspective.They will devise solutions to save their nation and their future.
Same situation in the Philippines,the young of today, have delved interests in this new kind of electronics and information technology revolution.They are starting to learn how the world really should work. A situation that needs to be taken advantage. For in their hands lyes the oppurtunity to change the course of the future. Never should abuse and oppression be casted upon them, for history teaches what our predecessors have committed. We do not need the government to tell us what is good and what is not good for us, for we the people are the government. Never again will we be deprived of our rights to a better future. We don't need violent wars, what the world needs right now is a peaceful silent revolution.