Saturday, April 24, 2010


The political battle arena is starting to heat up. Countdown towards the nation's final judgement nears. Expect mud slinging and character defamations among the players involved in this battle for excelllency and honor.  It's a tight race, where even those who can't vote due to citizenship debate among themselves who deserves to lead the country . Family members argue among themselves who will be the next leaders of a nation that needs to recover from an imbalanced economy and moral degeneration.

It's a first in Philippine history where the elections has an all-star cast of characters, all claiming that they are best fit to sit as leaders, declaring themselves as heroes while the adversary is the villain.

"Chopsuey" line ups stir within the minds of the mindful voter, not risking to waste he's vote. The winners have to be chosen from different sources, and that is democracy in motion.

Baguio City is not an exemption, campaigning here has intensified. People are starting to show their colors, supporting those whom they believe will rear Baguio towards true change. Baguio is deteriorating, though it continues to urbanize.  It maintains its title as the Summer Capital of the archipelago but it is threatened,  if the next set of officials fail  to spear-head a strong and reliable local government. True change is what Baguio need right now.

Baguio needs people with integrity, dedication,honor,experience, mission and vision of transforming Baguio back to its usual state of  grandness.

We are on a crossroad, and we need to choose only one path. We do not see what is in the future, but we know what is right for us and for the majority today. We have that right to make change.

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