Friday, December 18, 2009
Dying Young
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Recycling Problem
Acts of God .... Thy Will be done,... but acts of men....depriving men to live... is not an Act of is an act of the un-godly.
Let us pray for those who unwantedly died.....they have to go...because of acts of men.... may they rest in peace.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Mother Nature's Answer
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Baguio's Garbage Problem , A Year After
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
by Father James Reuter, S.J.
By her own admission, GMA (Gloria Macapagal Arroyo) rightfully assessed that over the last decades; our republic has become one of the weakest, steadily left behind by its more progressive neighbors.' Forty years ago, we were only second to Japan in economic stature, and way ahead of Singapore , Hong Kong , Malaysia , and Thailand . Today, at our present growth rate, it will take us 30 years to get to where Thailand is.
1.. A population of 160 Million;
2. Of those, 70 to 90 million (equivalent to our current population) will live below the poverty line;
3. Our national debt is estimated to be at US$200B (compared to US$28B when Marcos fled);
4. We will be competing, not against Thailand or even Vietnam , but against Bangladesh ;
5. We will be the most corrupt nation in Asia , if not in the world (we're already ranked 11th most corrupt nation by Transparency International) ...
The signs are clear. Our nation is headed towards an irreversible path of economic decline and moral decadence. It is not for lack of effort. We've seen many men and women of integrity in and out of government, NGOs, church groups & people's organization devote themselves to the task of nation-building, often times against insurmountable odds.
But not even two people's revolutions, bloodless as they may be, have made a dent in reversing this trend. At best, we have moved one step forward, but three steps backward.
We need a force far greater than our collective efforts, as a people, can ever hope to muster. It is time to move the battle to the spiritual realm.. It's time to claim GOD's promise of healing of the land for His people. It's time to gather GOD's people on its knees to pray for the economic recovery and moral reformation of our nation.
Is prayer really the answer? Before you dismiss this as just another rambling of a religious fanatic, I'd like you to consider some lessons we can glean from history.
England 's ascendancy to world power was preceded by the Reformation, a spiritual revival fueled by intense prayers.
The early American settlers built the foundation that would make it the most powerful nation today - a strong faith in GOD and a disciplined prayer life. Throughout its history, and especially at its major turning points, waves of revival and prayer movement swept across the land.
In recent times, we see Korea as a nation experiencing revival and in the process producing the largest Christian church in the world today, led by Rev. Paul Yongi Cho. No wonder it has emerged as a strong nation when other economies around it are faltering.
Even from a purely secular viewpoint, it makes a lot of sense. For here there is genuine humbling & seeking of GOD through prayer, moral reformation necessarily follows. And this, in turn, will lead to general prosperity. YES, we believe prayer can make a difference. It's our only hope.
Today, we launch this email brigade, to inform Filipinos from all over the world to pray, as a people, for the economic recovery and moral reformation of our nation. We do not ask for much. We only ask for 5 minutes of your time in a day, to fwd this email to your close friends and relatives.
This is the kind of unity which can make a big difference. Of course, if you feel strongly, as I do, about the power of prayer, you can be more involved by starting your own prayer group or prayer center.
We have tried people power twice; in both cases, it fell short. Maybe it's time to try prayer power. GOD never fails. Is there hope? YES! We can rely on God's promise, but we have to do our part. If we humble ourselves and pray as a people, GOD will heal our land. By GOD's grace, we may yet see a better future for our children.
'If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.'(2 Chronicles 7:14).
If you care for your children and grandchildren, PLEASE pass this on. .. ...
Let's not just abandon the Philippines
**** Copy and paste this article and send it to every God fearing Filipino you know....
Let us give our country a favor. - RSP
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bakakeng, Baguio's Future Business District
Bakakeng, composed of 3 barangays Bakakeng Sur/Norte, Bakakeng SLU-SVP,and Bakakeng Central, should be considered as one of the new site for Baguio's expansion. Saint Louis University, on its centennial year of serving Baguio as the prime destination of knowledge and wisdom seekers, will have its Bakakeng campus open next year. This would definitely benefit Baguio City as it will decongest the main city roads of human and vehicular traffic and with SLU's mission to transform, Bakakeng will surely metamorphose from a simple residential area to a booming job generating, money making business arena of different kinds of trades. It shall be host to a variety of new business ideas brought about by entrepreneurial thinking. A lot of people are jockeying for a slot within this future area of Baguio City's continues urbanization, and expect local and foreign investors pour precious investments, making this site as Baguio's uprising business district. Wanna bet?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The True Independence
Change is around the corner, start thinking, and be wise enough to choose the right and disregard the wrong. Let the Philippines attain it's true independence.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Typewriter

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Where are the Entrepreneurs?
I started asking myself, why am I here? Where will my education as an entrepreneurship graduate end up, am I worth being called an entrepreneur with me lining up with the unemployed? I felt a feeling of remorse, sympathizing with these people who wanted to work to earn a living to survive, a feeling of regret of not having the power to help them. It made me ask further, where are the entrepreneurs needed to augment such shortage of employers? Where are the entrepreneurs who would employ even the lowest educated individual.
It is easier said than done, that’s what a lot of people say, but with entrepreneurial mindsets being ignored, and the lack of capital and financial support to brilliant ideas formulated by aspiring entrepreneurs, and the government's inadequate support to small and medium scale entrepreneurs, the prophecy of having 113M Jobless Asians Seen would come to reality, and if this pursues, God forbid chaos.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Healers of Depression
What the world needs now are entrepreneurs, individuals with the ability to come up and determine the proper combination of the resources available in his environment transforming this into an output of either goods or services obtaining a fair profit at the price he fore sees. He uses several factors (factors brought about by his education and his keen observation and interaction with his social and natural environment) turning his ideas into profitable products or service for the good of humanity.
* Entrepreneurs turn problems into something positive, analyzing them and turns them into something profitable, discarding the problem and creating a demand that had not existed before.
* Entrepreneurs are people with creative ideas, innovators, change advocates that deals with social problems, converting them into profitable ventures uplifting society’s way of living leading to productivity and progress.
* Entrepreneurs apply total quality management on all his works, he ensures to have something done right the first time. He organizes, manage and combine all the factors of production.
* Entrepreneurs are risk takers. He carefully calculates risk and is willing to invest his resources in an idea that he formulated, confident that his idea – brought about by an intensive research and development- would help uplift human living conditions.
* Entrepreneurs desire to make profit and makes use of additional resources for expansion and diversifying into other endeavors.
* Entrepreneurs are business administrators, team players, opportunity seekers, creative individuals, who are independent, self confident, and with ethical values that understand every human ethical standards, without discrimination of religion, race or social status.
* Entrepreneurs generate employment, they eradicate poverty, hunger and ensure social balance.
* Entrepreneurs are visionaries, they believe in what they do.
What the world need right now are people with entrepreneurial mindsets, builders of society, creators and innovators of modern culture and science. The world economy is sick, and it needs immediate attention. And entrepreneurs can help solve this crisis.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Apay Ngata? ( Why? )
Spain for more than 300 years settled and dominated the culture and social attitudes of the Filipinos, converting them into catholics of which the impact still continues up to now, the Philippines being a Christian dominated population.
Americans liberated the Philippines from Mother Spain and influenced the Filipinos with their westernly attitudes, introducing them to a world of innovation and civilized social upliftment until now.
Japan, although having a short stint as invaders of the Philippines, somewhat influenced Filipinos with their ethical values and way of living.
Chinese, Malaysians, Indonisians, Paskistanis, Koreans, Canadians, Africans, Swedes, Australians, Germans.... the list go on, name a nation and you see their influence in the Filipino way of living.
Mentioning this scenario, the Filipino people have all the qualifications of being a rich, super power nation just like Japan and the rest of the Global Group of 7. It is like a perfect soup having all the ingredients. A nation filled with races from different nationalities, a mixture of oriental and western civilization.
The Philippines have supremely rich environmental and human resources. We have the vast lands for agricultural production, feeding our nation without depending from outside sustainance. We have brilliant minds and innovators, harnessing the power of renewable energy such as the sun, the wind and water to eliminate the glitch in our current power crisis, not mentioning geothermal and oil reserves that can be of good use for a nation aiming at attaining economic progress. These are the pillars of an economically and socially balanced society.
So why then is the Philippines poor?
Apay ngata?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Why Is The Philippines Poor ?
THE DIFFERENCE: The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is not the age of the country:
This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor..
On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand , that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.
The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.
Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.
Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world's strongest, safest place.
Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference..Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.What is the difference then? The difference is the attitude of the people, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:
1. Ethics, as a basic principle.
2. Integrity.
3. Responsibility.
4. Respect to the laws & rules.
5. Respect to the rights of other citizens.
6. Work loving.
7. Strive for savings & investment.
8. Will of super action.
9. Punctuality.
10. and of course...Discipline
In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.The Philippines is not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. In fact, we are supposedly rich in natural resources.We are poor because we lack the correct attitude. If you love your country, let this message circulate so that many Filipinos could reflect about this, & CHANGE, ACT!
Friday, April 10, 2009
My 38th Birthday
Waking up sweating at my sister's place down in the lowlands, I got greeted by a lot of people dear to my heart. Too many, that I had to reload my line to reply in different ways of thanking these people who touched and shaped my life. Among the messages in my inbox was a message from my good old American pal. It was not a birthday greeting, it was bad news. He informed me that somebody died at dawn of my birth date within our neighborhood, it involved the kids whom we know. Faces and names started shuttering in my mind. Who were the culprits? Who were the victims? Who are to blame for these crimes committed by our youth? Why do they commit such acts of violence?


Knowing the youth of today, they tend to be responsive with what ever threat that befalls them. They get easily annoyed once a rival group threatens any member . I recall a movie entitled City of God. Ironically the title doesn't fit the movie's story, it is exactly the opposite. In the movie, young adults and children tend to find refuge not in their families. They find security and stability with their peers who held guns, used drugs and into prostitution. They don't believe in the power of education and parental control. But they do believe in God, and they were mislead that God had a purpose for them, kill or be killed to survive, a creed taught to every new member by the gangs big bosses. The toughest among the brood was their saviour, protector from the threats that awaits them in every corner of their territory. They didnt believe in the law, law did not exist. This isn't just a movie, it was based on real situations, real people. And it is happening now, a problem every neighborhood within the city needs to address immediately before hell breaks lose.
But on the dawn of that Maundy Monday of April 6, 2009, there was no order, law enforcers failed law implementation resulting to violence that could have been deterred if laws were implemented. Was it ci

Are the law enforcers liable and should be blamed for their negligence? They came upon the group,reeking with liquor, hours before the incident happened, they should have implemented the law by bringing those present to the police station for their parents to be informed and let them go fetch their children, safe and sound. Merely shooing them won't take effect, they're tough and words ain't enough to rattle them.
Parents too have obligations to be aware of every activities their children undergo, but on that night, parents seem to had been immune of the daily routines their children do. Can we blame the parents? Nearby neighbors who in one way or another could have prevented the incident, daring to go out from a distance from where the incident happened, warning them or even calling up the police before things got worse. Are they to blame too?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Too Late of a Hero

Here are some quotes about Friendship....
Fake Friends never ask for food, Real Friends is the reason you have no food
Fake Friends call your parents Mr. and Mrs.Real Friends call your parents Dad and Mom
Fake Friends bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong Real Friends would sit next to you saying,"Duhhh.. we screwed up ... but that was fun!"
Fake Friends never seen you cry, Real Friends cry with you.
Fake Friends borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back, Real friends keep your stuff so long they foget its yours
Fake friends know a few things about you, Real friends could write a book about you with drect quotes from you
Fake friends will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing, Real friends will kick the whole crowds butt that left you.
Fake Friends would knock on your front door, Real friends walk right in an say "Iam Home!"
Fake Friends are for awhile, Real Friends are for life
Fake friends will talk bad to the person who talks bad about you, REal Friends will knock the person out that talked bad about you.
So is your friend fake or real?
Monday, March 30, 2009
My Best Friend

So Help Me God.......
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The H.O.G. (Hydrogen Oxygen Generator)



Unsegregated garbage has caused an alarming issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Baguio City’s image as the cleanest and greenest City in the Philippines have been tainted due to garbage mishandling. Baguio City spent around 12,000,000 pesos to 15,000,000 pesos a month last July and August and increased to 18,000,000 pesos a month from September and up to this writing, to deal with the increasing volume of garbage being produced by the city. Private haulers pick up garbage and brings it down to the Clark Integrated Waste Management Center at Capas, Tarlac for treatment and disposal. This system of garbage collection and disposal is draining the city’s budget. It should instead be used to set up more Materials Recovery Facility, or better yet, first support the Cluster L Cooperative MRF in Bakakeng Central and make it work more effective and efficient, it would be a good test before establishing more MRF stations in the city, or a centralized recycling plant for the city.




As an institution with a vision to transform, Saint Louis University will continue supporting these kinds of endeavor. Its involvement in ridding Baguio from its unending problem on garbage will continue, a mission of transforming Baguio back as the cleanest and greenest city in the Philippines is well at hand.
* I wrote this article supposedly for publication in one of our school paper at the end of the first semester 2008, but I wonder what happened?


Before entering into this field of industry, the would be entrepreneur should apply the basic entrepreneurial approach of surveying the area before establishing the recycling plant. An entrepreneur sees to it that government regulations both local and international should not be violated. He conducts the SPENT analysis - Social, Political, Environment, Natural Resources and

Recycling is an industry that would be in demand in the next generations to come. It is being practiced in countries in Asia, the US and the European Union. The Philippines is not way behind when it comes to this kind of industry. What the Philippine government should do is to initiate and fund/grant would be entrepreneurs that would like to venture into this kind of endeavor.
It will be elections for the Philippines this coming 2010, and it would be proper for a third world country to consider a new set of government officials that would cater to the vision of current world leaders regarding trade and treatment of solid waste.
The recycling industry offers a variety of benefits that would definitely cater to millions of Filipinos through taxable economic activities during its operation. It will absolutely generate thousands of jobs that would deter the rise in local recession. Eradicate red tape and corruption within the system. Impose stiffer penalties regarding unwanted mismanagement that leads to the deterioration of the industry. Deploy people with accountabilities within sensitive positions that will lead towards industry verticalization and diversification. Employ people having an intense urge for an entrepreneurial approach in running the industry. Tap the youth in filling up these positions, let them realize it’s their future being saved and served right now. Allow freedom of information on all laws, technology and details regarding environmental issues within the community.
As a member of the United Nations, the Philippines should try establishing connections with top recycling industries from existing and successful recycling companies from countries who practice a functional system of recycling.
Establish recycling plants near ports for an easier access of solid waste raw material going in and out of Philippine shores. Practice Total Quality Management. Apply the principles of Six Sigma Approach in maintaining the smooth running condition and operation of the plant, spend for people who have to go acquire such an expensive, yet effective way of having a synergistic enterprise, having an almost zero defect operation.
The recycling industry is bound to be a must for every country to have, it is definitely indispensable. Entrepreneurs of today should try considering investing in this baby industry that has definitely a lot of purpose in maintaining the balance in the current global situation with regards to economy and the environment. It is just a matter of international relations through proper governance, community participation and mandate, environmental awareness and an intensified entrepreneurial approach for a recycling industry to function well. It might have a hard time coping up with its purposes at its conception, but the recycling industry has probable prospects of attaining success in these times of global change for a better tomorrow.
World population is increasing. That proportionately increases the volume of solid waste produced every minute. The earth is sick, and it needs immediate attention. Our children and our generations to come will suffer from our faults, if we do not act fast. Let us realize the importance of a neglected industry. The recycling in

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hydrogen Oxygen Generataor (H.O.G.) is a fuel cell that produces HHO through, what else, electrolysis. HHO is 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part oxygen(H2O). It is considered as the cheapest source of energy

God willing we come up with our expectations and have it shared to humanity. World wide, people are into this simple science and alongside them, we share the common goal of helping the earth overcome global warming and minimize the use of fossil fuels.
Thinking of Me
Monday, March 23, 2009
Living it up with Generation Y

It took me quite sometime to get along with my generation y peers, peers with regards to academic status of course and not of age. I learned a lot from my young friends, as they have learned too from my experience. Understanding them to the fullest would be hypocrisy on my part, but understanding them to a level of being them, seems to be justifiable. I learned how to be young both in mind and body. I may have an older frame, but I did cope up with whatever activities they indulged with, curricular and “extra curricular” to be specific. I have been teased, ridiculed and even humiliated during my two school years at my alma matter. But I haven’t been bothered and instead focused in accomplishing what I have started fifteen years ago, graduate from my bachelors degree and become, God willing, a successful Entrepreneur.
Undergoing entrepreneurial learning during this times of crisis had enabled me to be aware of the importance of entrepreneurship as a major solution to the increasing number of unemployment, countering the depleting situation of our current global economic situation. Indeed, entrepreneurship is not just a matter of business, it also signifies the hope for a better society, a challenge every entrepreneurial management student should prepare for. Hard times are yet to come due to the current global crisis and recession. I believe that entrepreneurs will play a lead role in deterring further damage brought about by this disaster.