Monday, March 23, 2009

Living it up with Generation Y

It takes a lot of patience, understanding and a jive on hip-hop music to get along with millennials - people born during the eighties till 2000. Change really is inevitable. I still remember my old days during my first college days in the late 80’s and early 90’s when Entrepreneurial Management was termed Entrepreneurship on Small Scale Business Management (ESBM), of which my nerdy classmates then are the college professors now, no strings attached please.

It took me quite sometime to get along with my generation y peers, peers with regards to academic status of course and not of age. I learned a lot from my young friends, as they have learned too from my experience. Understanding them to the fullest would be hypocrisy on my part, but understanding them to a level of being them, seems to be justifiable. I learned how to be young both in mind and body. I may have an older frame, but I did cope up with whatever activities they indulged with, curricular and “extra curricular” to be specific. I have been teased, ridiculed and even humiliated during my two school years at my alma matter. But I haven’t been bothered and instead focused in accomplishing what I have started fifteen years ago, graduate from my bachelors degree and become, God willing, a successful Entrepreneur.
Undergoing entrepreneurial learning during this times of crisis had enabled me to be aware of the importance of entrepreneurship as a major solution to the increasing number of unemployment, countering the depleting situation of our current global economic situation. Indeed, entrepreneurship is not just a matter of business, it also signifies the hope for a better society, a challenge every entrepreneurial management student should prepare for. Hard times are yet to come due to the current global crisis and recession. I believe that entrepreneurs will play a lead role in deterring further damage brought about by this disaster.

1 comment:

hammer said...

Entrepreneurs are the future of the world economy, lead, and conquer!!!1