Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I remember those restless days of happy go lucky attitudes that friendship offered. Having a bond that seemed inseparable, friendship offered the best resort for an idling youth in search for companionship and thrill, something not even a mad dad or mom can severe. But at what extent does friendship, it's meaning and it's essence, prove that indeed it is a life long commitment? People change, and change is inevitable, that makes everybody prone to certain transformations which definitely change even the best of friends, mentioning also the worst of enemies. Factors such as family, religion, work, attitudes and behaviour contribute to changes that occur within a person. Different ethical dilemmas and norms each human being undergo contributes to changes among relationships, and that includes friendship. External factors that befall each friend within a circle, create such changes, it initiates change no matter how deep that friendship is. So how could you put your friends to test? I still have my friends, so seldom do we meet, I know they changed, but so am I.

Here are some quotes about Friendship....

Fake Friends never ask for food, Real Friends is the reason you have no food
Fake Friends call your parents Mr. and Mrs.Real Friends call your parents Dad and Mom
Fake Friends bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong Real Friends would sit next to you saying,"Duhhh.. we screwed up ... but that was fun!"
Fake Friends never seen you cry, Real Friends cry with you.
Fake Friends borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back, Real friends keep your stuff so long they foget its yours
Fake friends know a few things about you, Real friends could write a book about you with drect quotes from you
Fake friends will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing, Real friends will kick the whole crowds butt that left you.
Fake Friends would knock on your front door, Real friends walk right in an say "Iam Home!"
Fake Friends are for awhile, Real Friends are for life
Fake friends will talk bad to the person who talks bad about you, REal Friends will knock the person out that talked bad about you.

So is your friend fake or real?

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