Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Too Late of a Hero

Printers have been visited by political personalities lately. Printers do expect them to come, for sure. It's election fever once more and printers are as fragrant as the blooming roses in the garden, prone to the nectar thirsty bees from the political hive. I had a taste of political aspiration at it's lowest level (I Lost 3 times!), my dad was once a politician and we got to roam around campaigning for political stalwarts during election times. We both had been keen observers, monitoring each politician's move. We often times picked the majority of the winning candidates during the final count.
A lot of changes in political campaigns have arisen. Those who are in the disadvantage, lacking almighty cash and a political machinery, have found technology an equalizer, the answer to their ambitions of attaining political success. Barrack Obama was against all odds, yet he found his way to the arena of political victory. His eloquence and down to earth approach to the people, and his team of internet wizards proved, along with his armory of stimulus package plans took him to the realms of the White House . Having a well planned campaign run by high tech gadgetry, alliance with the common people, and a campaign for change, can topple down a Goliath. Politics in the Philippines is not way behind. It is being tailored made, mimicking the styles of our American counterparts. The right to information technology and the increased voting population of the youth, is the best weapon for every candidate targeting a slot in a political victory. Election's fast approaching, and be prepared for a battle of high tech information dessimination.
We now know who deserves to be chosen, and we know who are playing too late of a hero. Let us not be blinded by prettty faces and politicians with sweet talks having pockets filled with bribe and deceit. Let us consider what our conscience dictates. Exercise your right to information, get involved and don't be fooled no more.


I remember those restless days of happy go lucky attitudes that friendship offered. Having a bond that seemed inseparable, friendship offered the best resort for an idling youth in search for companionship and thrill, something not even a mad dad or mom can severe. But at what extent does friendship, it's meaning and it's essence, prove that indeed it is a life long commitment? People change, and change is inevitable, that makes everybody prone to certain transformations which definitely change even the best of friends, mentioning also the worst of enemies. Factors such as family, religion, work, attitudes and behaviour contribute to changes that occur within a person. Different ethical dilemmas and norms each human being undergo contributes to changes among relationships, and that includes friendship. External factors that befall each friend within a circle, create such changes, it initiates change no matter how deep that friendship is. So how could you put your friends to test? I still have my friends, so seldom do we meet, I know they changed, but so am I.

Here are some quotes about Friendship....

Fake Friends never ask for food, Real Friends is the reason you have no food
Fake Friends call your parents Mr. and Mrs.Real Friends call your parents Dad and Mom
Fake Friends bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong Real Friends would sit next to you saying,"Duhhh.. we screwed up ... but that was fun!"
Fake Friends never seen you cry, Real Friends cry with you.
Fake Friends borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back, Real friends keep your stuff so long they foget its yours
Fake friends know a few things about you, Real friends could write a book about you with drect quotes from you
Fake friends will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing, Real friends will kick the whole crowds butt that left you.
Fake Friends would knock on your front door, Real friends walk right in an say "Iam Home!"
Fake Friends are for awhile, Real Friends are for life
Fake friends will talk bad to the person who talks bad about you, REal Friends will knock the person out that talked bad about you.

So is your friend fake or real?

Monday, March 30, 2009

My Best Friend

I have known Dennis for almost two years, and he's the kind of guy somebody would like to get along with, specially when your back's against the wall. He had always been , a mentor and a friend to me. He's a Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde, lunatic sometimes when his downed too much vodka. I call him chester or alf coz he loves kittens and dogs. We both have common interests in life- beach, family, travel - and share similar thoughts that we both believe in. Talking to an American and expressing your views and opinions, have made me a different person ever since I knew my American neighbor . We often talk about a lot of issues concerning the environment, politics, science and human behaviour. He had opened up my mind towards a different perspective in life. He taught me a lot about science that he learned through experience and research. He's a retired, mean Marine from the United States Armed Forces, with a hand that can cover up your face !!!

He loves the Philippines and surely will retire for life in this beautiful Island, disregarding his disappointments on issues plaguing our country. One thing he noticed about the Philippines is that we have a lot of good laws, yet these laws don't have fangs, no implementation being enforced for the benefit of the majority. A lot of times I get to defend the Filipino dignity on things he tells me-coz it hurts, but somehow in the end I submit to his opinions and he too listens to my rebuttals. He had taught me how to think positive, think rational concerning issues that needs to be resolved. And a lot of times I argue with things I firmly believe to be Filipino in nature, always reminding him that he is in the Philippines,and this ain't America . He never bother learning the Filipino language, don't even dare to learn the Filipino ethical way of living, but as the saying goes, dance like the romans dance. Ironically he has influenced me to learn the American way of living, straightforward, frank and strict with regards to a standard way of life, total quality in all works . We are both into HHO., a project we have been experimenting for almost a year. We both share the agonies of frustrations and the thrills of having positive outcomes in our doings. He helps me a lot with my computer maintenance and trouble shooting , he thought me how to make good use of the Internet to my advantage. He had always been my mentor, and will always be my best friend, thanks bud, I owe you one.

So Help Me God.......

I read an article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer headlined 113 MILLION JOBLESS ASIANS SEEN. I cut this big bold letters and pasted it on my ceiling where I can read it everytime I lay down on my bed. Glancing at this bold letters, everytime I close my eyes to sleep, and the moment I wake up, I keep telling myself, will I be one of the unfortunates who will end up unemployed? I have an entrepreneurial management degree and it would be absurd for me to say that I will end up among the unlucky. I should, and like any other aspiring entrepreneurs, contribute in battling this impending truth. But with limited resources and the lack of almighty cash, entrepreneurship is just a mere sketch on the drawing board, like an architect's master piece of a layed out plan not funded for construction.

Entrepreneurs cannot work alone. Having bright ideas is just a part of a long process of obtaining success in this line of endevour. Support from people and institutions and government are just among external factors that needs to be injected into a project with an entrepreneurial approach. The need for entrepreneurs with a vision of obtaining a successful business venture is much needed during this times of global economic and environmental imbalance. But being an entrepreneur is not that easy. Having an entrepreneurial management degree is not enough to make one a successful entrepreneur. One needs a lot of right things in life in order to become a successful entrepreneur. The right idea, the right timing, the right investors, the right suppliers, the right market and the right network connections are but a few right things an entrepreneur needs to ensure before he push through with his entrepreneurial mindset. Sad to say, but almighty as it is, cash is an indespensable aspect, a weapon of sorts that powers an entrepreneur towards its mission and vision.
And so here am I thinking of ways to get that needed almighty right things. In one way or another, I need to maintain within me my personal entrepreneurial competencies, apply it in a field, as an intrapreneur , and earn something for me to use in my future entrepreneurial ambitions. I need to exclude myself first from among those unfateful 113 million jobless asians seen. I need to help myself, need to build something for me to use in my plans for an entrepreneurial future, before I could start helping others. Although time has deprived me of age, hope still lingers within me. So help me God !

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The H.O.G. (Hydrogen Oxygen Generator)

We have been working on a fuel cell that would enhance diesel engine performance and cut on diesel fuel consumption by 30% - 40%. Last June 17, 2009 marked our one year of R&D in this renewable energy project, and we have come upon positive results that will prove our intention of converting water (H2O) into gas (Hydrogen Oxygen). We join thousands of individuals who looks forward to eradicating fossil fuel, the major cause of global warming. It's too obvious that the cost of fossil fuel have gravely affected not only the Philippines, but the entire world as well. And cutting down on fossil fuel consumption through the use of this technology would definitely lessen a nation's dependence on oil, which would automatically pull down the prices on fossil fuel. The domino effect would come in natural, economy will prosper and independence on energy production may well be at hand.
We are still on the process of proving our intentions. We have had set backs such as chasing parts that have never existed. Had fun popping HHO bubbles that made loud bangs (really loud!!!) . We had to make our own parts and have invested in acquiring machineries and equiptment to intensify our R&D aiming at doing the right thing the first time, making the HOG safe for everyone to use. A year have past and we look forward towards attaining success in the days to come.

May the H.O.G. push through and work the way we expected it to be. This technology is now being used by thousands of people world wide, and our intention of letting everbody use this technology to the fullest in the Philippines (of which a hundred are now using it and might be selling it via the black market) is on its march towards success. This techonology is what the world needs right now. The world has to free itself from it's dependence on fossil fuel, it has to free itself from the threats of global warming. Almighty Water is the solution for energy independence.


A Calamity that Can Be Avoided

The City of Pines was declared a calamity area last July 2008 due to people’s garbage mishandling and the local government’s garbage mismanagement. The Irisan Dumpsite where Baguio used to dump its garbage has been closed due to the demands of residents living within the vicinity. They have been subjected to health hazard due to foul smell caused by inconsiderate mishandling of garbage dumped within the the land fill. Piles of garbage were found everywhere you go within the vicinity of the city. It was like having the SARS virus scare again with people wearing gauze mask and handkerchief stuck to their noses to avoid smelling stinking garbage threatening them with diseases. Baguio for days was tagged as the “garbage capital” of the Philippines, a transformed city that used to be a paradise. Baguio had won four consecutive titles as the cleanest and greenest highly urbanized city in the 1990s, earning it the pioneer hall of fame title in its category.
There are approximately around 300,000 people living in Baguio, and still adding up. A city designed by its American founders for approximately 30,000 inhabitants to enjoy its cool climate and wonderful fauna, Baguio has transformed from a small city into a metropolis where races from different nations converge for education and business as well. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of local and foreign tourist and students that flock to the city, tripling the population during its peak season. Increase in population proportionately increases the volume of garbage produced.
Unsegregated garbage has caused an alarming issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Baguio City’s image as the cleanest and greenest City in the Philippines have been tainted due to garbage mishandling. Baguio City spent around 12,000,000 pesos to 15,000,000 pesos a month last July and August and increased to 18,000,000 pesos a month from September and up to this writing, to deal with the increasing volume of garbage being produced by the city. Private haulers pick up garbage and brings it down to the Clark Integrated Waste Management Center at Capas, Tarlac for treatment and disposal. This system of garbage collection and disposal is draining the city’s budget. It should instead be used to set up more Materials Recovery Facility, or better yet, first support the Cluster L Cooperative MRF in Bakakeng Central and make it work more effective and efficient, it would be a good test before establishing more MRF stations in the city, or a centralized recycling plant for the city.
Team Bakakeng

Team Bakakeng, (Martin Armieston Bay-an, Darmina Juli, Jackson Fermin, Renie S. Poyaoan and Fitz Murphy Quintin) was formed as a requirement for the subject Entrepreneurship 12, Countryside Entrepreneurship Development, and as an outreach project (Adopt a Barangay) of the Young Entrepreneurship Society (Y.E.S.) under the class of Miss Marife Posadas, SLU MME Department Head. This project requires each team assigned in different barangays in Baguio and Benguet to discuss among the beneficiaries the essence of entrepreneurship as a means of developing the barangay through entrepreneurship. Team Bakakeng spent around 40 hours visiting their adopted barangay and learning the process of how a Materials Recovery Facility operates. Cluster L Cooperative which is composed of Barangays Balacbac,, Sto. Tomas and Bakakeng Central had been formed along with 17 other cluster barangays, to deal with the unending problem on garbage in Baguio City. Barangay Bakakeng Central, headed by Punong Barangay Alicia Pacsi Dizon, spearheaded the first Materials Recovery Facility by a Cluster Cooperative which is the first step in implementing a long due law that needs to be imposed in every barangay in the Philippines. Republic Act 9003, or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, was signed into law on January 26, 2001. It is considered a broad-based and comprehensive approach to solid waste management. It involves segregation at source, segregated collection, storage, transfer, processing, treatment and disposal of solid waste.

Scheduled visits to Bakakeng Central Barangay and it’s Materials Recovery Facility, have taught the team the importance of exposing entrepreneurship students in developing the countryside as part of their training leading to social responsibility as future entrepreneurs . Frequent brain storming were conducted between the team and Punong Barangay Alicia P. Dizon regarding garbage issues. The Punong Barangay requested the team to assists Cluster L Cooperative in marketing its compost product and think of concepts regarding strategies in marketing and to come up with a brand name and logo design for its compost product.

In Our Own Small Ways The Materials Recovery Facility, operated at Barangay Bakakeng Central, is composed of 2 Rotary Happy Soil Composting Machine and a Hammer Mill that grinds biodegradable garbage. lt had been offered for demonstration purposes by a non-government organization and is now currently marketing Rich Earth Compost (brand name and logo design courtesy of the team). The team had been involved in the information dissemination drive of the cooperative regarding its vision and mission statement of ridding the barangay of garbage through segregation and proper waste management. The team printed flyers and posters that had been distributed in selected areas of the barangay. A letter sent by the team to Midland Courier was published and have caught the attention of Baguio’s populace. A tarpaulin sign designed by the team indicating Rich Earth Compost’s product launching set on the 25th of October was posted outside the Bakakeng Central’s barangay hall. Team Bakakeng and Rich Earth Compost participated during the Empowering Commercians through Research and Development trade fair and introducing Rich Earth Compost to Saint Louis University students and employees. Last October 25, 2008 Rich Earth Compost was finally launched in front of Bakakeng Central residents, barangay and city officials present during the general assembly of the barangay. Unfortunately, a power point presentation prepared by the team concerning garbage problem and MRF operation in Baguio and how an entrepreneurial approach could help a Materials Recovery Facility (M.R.F.) succeed was not presented due to lack of adequate facilities during the day of presentation. An extemporaneous presentation regarding garbage segregation, the cooperative and Republic Act 9003 as well as the launching of Rich Earth Compost was presented . Councilor Galo Weygan and Councilor Rocky Thomas Balisong personally acknowledged Saint Louis University’s involvement in helping with the drive against garbage problem in Baguio City.
As an institution with a vision to transform, Saint Louis University will continue supporting these kinds of endeavor. Its involvement in ridding Baguio from its unending problem on garbage will continue, a mission of transforming Baguio back as the cleanest and greenest city in the Philippines is well at hand.

* I wrote this article supposedly for publication in one of our school paper at the end of the first semester 2008, but I wonder what happened?

**** Almost 9 months have passed and yet the City government of Baguio is not acting that fast, not realizing the impending threat this problem might contribute to the city's status as the Summer Capital of the Philippines. I sense something fishy that it might be used by aspiring re-electionists for next year's election. It's just an opinion, though obvious as it is, the truth lyes on these premise.


Ninety five percent of all solid waste is recyclable and a lot of these waste material, if handled properly and processed at a well managed recycling plant, can  be a lucrative source of profit and a means of deterring unemployment. Not only will it save virgin materials coming from environmental living flora and fauna, it also lessens the impact of the worsening condition of global warming. Recycling saves hectares of trees to be cut, it saves fuel and energy from extracting, processing and transporting virgin materials.

The recycling industry in the Philippines may be considered as a baby industry. As entrepreneurs, let us consider harnessing the positive inputs this situation can offer. Establish connections with entrepreneurs with the same logic in countries with a booming recycling industry, get recyclables-reusable materials at a very cheap price from countries that have problems with their solid waste, ship them to the ports of the Philippines where recycling plants awaits there processing and sorting.
Before entering into this field of industry, the would be entrepreneur should apply the basic entrepreneurial approach of surveying the area before establishing the recycling plant. An entrepreneur sees to it that government regulations both local and international should not be violated. He conducts the SPENT analysis - Social, Political, Environment, Natural Resources and
Technology approach. He identifies it's S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) and formulate strategies both for its internal and external analysis. He then chooses the best strategy and implements it for the immediate and functional operation of his planned venture.

Recycling is an industry that would be in demand in the next generations to come. It is being practiced in countries in Asia, the US and the European Union. The Philippines is not way behind when it comes to this kind of industry. What the Philippine government should do is to initiate and fund/grant would be entrepreneurs that would like to venture into this kind of endeavor.

Applying the essence of Republic act 9003, the government in cooperation with entrepreneurs and LGU's should think of ways that would enhance the establishment of more recycling industries within the boundaries of the Philippines. Alongside international sets of standards, pollution prevention and proper inspection of imported junks and solid wastes imported to the Philippines. Enhance recycling plants in the country and acquire both expertise and equiptments from abroad, envisioning within the company an entrepreneurial approach. Implementing such an approach would gear up this industry into a booming, in demand, job generating endeavor that would help in the economic upheaval of our nation.

It will be elections for the Philippines this coming 2010, and it would be proper for a third world country to consider a new set of government officials that would cater to the vision of current world leaders regarding trade and treatment of solid waste.

The recycling industry should be of main concern by aspiring politicians who aims to make good in their campaign trail towards an electorate victory. In fact, the Filipino electorate should mandate responsible individuals that would initiate and fight for a recycling industry right.

The recycling industry offers a variety of benefits that would definitely cater to millions of Filipinos through taxable economic activities during its operation. It will absolutely generate thousands of jobs that would deter the rise in local recession. Eradicate red tape and corruption within the system. Impose stiffer penalties regarding unwanted mismanagement that leads to the deterioration of the industry. Deploy people with accountabilities within sensitive positions that will lead towards industry verticalization and  diversification. Employ people having an intense urge for an entrepreneurial approach in running the industry. Tap the youth in filling up these positions, let them realize it’s their future being saved and served right now. Allow freedom of information on all laws, technology and details regarding environmental issues within the community.

As a member of the United Nations, the Philippines should try establishing connections with top recycling industries from existing and successful recycling companies from countries who practice a functional system of recycling.
Harness their knowledge and technology and ask for grants and funding from international financial institutions, such as the IMF, or better yet incorporate the bulky Pork Barrels of our rich congressmen and senators in establishing a succesful recycling plant.
Send deserving people to train in world recognized recycling institutions. Acquire state of the art machineries and equipment that would process solid waste into a reliable source of raw material. Practice Pollution Prevention methods while undergoing operations.

Establish recycling plants near ports for an easier access of solid waste raw material going in and out of Philippine shores. Practice Total Quality Management. Apply the principles of Six Sigma Approach in maintaining the smooth running condition and operation of the plant, spend for people who have to go acquire such an expensive, yet effective way of having a synergistic enterprise, having an almost zero defect operation.

The recycling industry is bound to be a must for every country to have, it is definitely indispensable. Entrepreneurs of today should try considering investing in this baby industry that has definitely a lot of purpose in maintaining the balance in the current global situation with regards to economy and the environment. It is just a matter of international relations through proper governance, community participation and mandate, environmental awareness and an intensified entrepreneurial approach for a recycling industry to function well. It might have a hard time coping up with its purposes at its conception, but the recycling industry has probable prospects of attaining success in these times of global change for a better tomorrow.
World population is increasing. That proportionately increases the volume of solid
waste produced every minute. The earth is sick, and it needs immediate attention. Our children  and our generations to come will suffer from our faults, if we do not act fast. Let us realize the importance of a neglected industry. The recycling inAdd Imagedustry should be supported by all citizens. Supported by the state by implementing laws to its maximum and backing entrepreneurs using entrepreneurial strategies and operations. It is an industry that will inject the earth with its needed cure of ridding cancer brought about by global warming.
* This article is an excerpt from my reasearch study submitted to Professor Roberto Pidal of the Faculty of the College of Accountancy and Commerce, Entrepreneurship 14 (International Marketing).

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Man, since the dawn of civilization, have harnessed the value and use of water, an essential and abundant resource found in every corners of the earth. Being an important factor in proliferating life on earth, water, having its properties 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen (H2O), almighty water could be harnessed as the future of pollution free earth. Its properties could be used to energize homes and industries that thirst for power. It is the true source of energy. Humanity has come to the point to save the planet before global warming takes over. And water is just the solution, it is God's greatest gift to man.It is a source of free energy, alongside the wind and the sun. It is all for him to enjoy and harness, lessening or possiblly ridding the use of fossil fuels, the culprits of global warming.

Way back in our high school days where we got to experience separating Hydrogen and Oxygen through experiments on electrolysis, we have concluded that it is possible, a proven fact that there is free energy in water. And those days offered no technology that everyone is enjoying now. There was no acessible internet then. The freedom of information was limited only to a few, communication was a barrier, not unlike now. A lot of electrolysis enthusiasts like us have been trying to enhance, such "costly" methods of creating energy out of water. And we are passionately doing innovations in this endeavor, humanity have to initiate, and do something to have a better future for our generations to come.

Hydrogen Oxygen Generataor (H.O.G.) is a fuel cell that produces HHO through, what else, electrolysis. HHO is 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part oxygen(H2O). It is considered as the cheapest source of energy, where input of energy is lesser than the output of energy produced through the HOG 's system. We have experimented and monitored several mix to increase the production of the gas, and we have come upon a few mix that we have proven to enhance HHO production.

God willing we come up with our expectations and have it shared to humanity. World wide, people are into this simple science and alongside them, we share the common goal of helping the earth overcome global warming and minimize the use of fossil fuels.

Thinking of Me

Today, I had a talk with people whom I have known for years. They have thought me to reminisce the past as to what wrongs we have made during the past years of being them and being me then. I just realized that I have made the greatest move that somebody having a sane mind will do, building up your self for the future of not only for yourself but for each and everyone I dare to push up. God, Allah, Jehovah, or Devine Providence, call my Big Boss up there with whatever you want doesnt matter but I know that He had made the person who I am now, a changed person, someone who have transformed from being me then to being I now.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Living it up with Generation Y

It takes a lot of patience, understanding and a jive on hip-hop music to get along with millennials - people born during the eighties till 2000. Change really is inevitable. I still remember my old days during my first college days in the late 80’s and early 90’s when Entrepreneurial Management was termed Entrepreneurship on Small Scale Business Management (ESBM), of which my nerdy classmates then are the college professors now, no strings attached please.

It took me quite sometime to get along with my generation y peers, peers with regards to academic status of course and not of age. I learned a lot from my young friends, as they have learned too from my experience. Understanding them to the fullest would be hypocrisy on my part, but understanding them to a level of being them, seems to be justifiable. I learned how to be young both in mind and body. I may have an older frame, but I did cope up with whatever activities they indulged with, curricular and “extra curricular” to be specific. I have been teased, ridiculed and even humiliated during my two school years at my alma matter. But I haven’t been bothered and instead focused in accomplishing what I have started fifteen years ago, graduate from my bachelors degree and become, God willing, a successful Entrepreneur.
Undergoing entrepreneurial learning during this times of crisis had enabled me to be aware of the importance of entrepreneurship as a major solution to the increasing number of unemployment, countering the depleting situation of our current global economic situation. Indeed, entrepreneurship is not just a matter of business, it also signifies the hope for a better society, a challenge every entrepreneurial management student should prepare for. Hard times are yet to come due to the current global crisis and recession. I believe that entrepreneurs will play a lead role in deterring further damage brought about by this disaster.