Printers have been visited by political personalities lately. Printers do expect them to come, for sure. It's election fever once more and printers are as fragrant as the blooming roses in the garden, prone to the nectar thirsty bees from the political hive. I had a taste of political aspiration at it's lowest level (I Lost 3 times!), my dad was once a politician and we got to roam around campaigning for political stalwarts during election times. We both had been keen observers, monitoring each politician's move. We often times picked the majority of the winning candidates during the final count.
A lot of changes in political campaigns have arisen. Those who are in the disadvantage, lacking almighty cash and a political machinery, have found technology an equalizer, the answer to their ambitions of attaining political success. Barrack Obama was against all odds, yet he found his way to the arena of political victory. His eloquence and down to earth approach to the people, and his team of internet wizards proved, along with his armory of stimulus package plans took him to the realms of the White House . Having a well planned campaign run by high tech gadgetry, alliance with the common people, and a campaign for change, can topple down a Goliath. Politics in the Philippines is not way behind. It is being tailored made, mimicking the styles of our American counterparts. The right to information technology and the increased voting population of the youth, is the best weapon for every candidate targeting a slot in a political victory. Election's fast approaching, and be prepared for a battle of high tech information dessimination.
We now know who deserves to be chosen, and we know who are playing too late of a hero. Let us not be blinded by prettty faces and politicians with sweet talks having pockets filled with bribe and deceit. Let us consider what our conscience dictates. Exercise your right to information, get involved and don't be fooled no more.